
For the purposes of discussion, I include an entry to provide information regarding abortion.

My books, if I remember it right, defined abortion as the termination of pregnancy before the age of viability (age by which the fetus can survive extrauterine life), which is said to be 20 weeks, and the product is called an abortus (referring to the aborted fetus). Abortion can be classified into:

·      Threatened abortion. There is a risk that the product of conception may be expelled before it reaches the age of viability but may also be avoided. This is because the cervix is closed. Risks may include bleeding, advanced maternal age, infection and intake of medications which have abortive potential.
·     Spontaneous abortion. The expulsion of the product of conception cannot be prevented in this case. Usually, the cervix of the mother is already dilated.
·      Complete abortion. The product of conception has been completely expelled.
·      Incomplete abortion. The product of conception has not been completely expelled. This is where dilatation and curettage (D & C) comes in. (D & C is more commonly known as “raspa”.)
·      Missed abortion. The fetus is already dead inside the mother’s womb. Expulsion of which may be through D & C, vacuum extraction or saline induction.
·      Therapeutic abortion. The fetus is aborted to save the mother’s life and well-being. The need for this usually arises and is suggested when carrying the product to term may compromise the health of the mother. 

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